Planner provides the ability for demand leads such as Domain Leads to raise requests against the required capabilities leaders of work or delivery teams (aka demand teams) to raise requests for additional resourcing they need to deliver on their upcoming committed needs.
If enabled in TeamForm, planner can show linked objectives and allow requestors to specify the specific skill set that they are after. It skills or capabilities they seek.
Planner can also provides the supply leads such as Chapter Leads leads in home / chapter teams (aka supply teams) a central place to review and approve all the resource requests of their people and hence have an and to enable informed prioritisation conversations and alignment of resource availability when there is resource contention.
Why do we need it?
During a planning cycle, leaders focus on delivering their business commitments with consideration of headcount, available roles, skills and budget. The aim is to meet demand from the existing workforce, which is efficient, retains IP and promotes internal growth. Planner enables the best of demand to supply process.