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The TeamForm for Jira App is currently in


If you encounter any issues while using the App, please raise a support request using the contact us option at the bottom of the page.


The TeamForm for Jira Marketplace App


allows existing TeamForm customers using Atlassian’s Jira Cloud SaaS product



The TeamForm for Jira Marketplace App allows you to link both Jira Projects and their Jira Issues to well maintained teams from their respective team pages in TeamForm.

This creates transparency on which team is working on which work.


With our TeamForm for Jira App, your organisation’s Jira Administrators can link Jira Projects to relevant TeamForm Teams. This allows a Jira user to click through from Jira to TeamForm to view the team and team members who deliver this project.


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We also offer a TeamForm integration, that combines with the TeamForm Jira app, to import Issues from Jira into TeamForm - displaying this team’s work items as Objectives.


Initial Setup

Prerequisites:Image Added

Installing the TeamForm for Jira App


Identify your Jira Admin, you will need their help to establish the initial App Configuration.


TeamForm Public API:

If you have not setup TeamForm Public API access, you can request them for your TeamForm Tenant by raising a support request, using the contact us option at the bottom of the page. To accelerate your request, copy the information below into your request:

Code Block
TeamForm for Jira App Setup request:
- please provide: Client Credentials (ID and Secret)

Access Level: <production, staging, test etc>
Tenant ID: <tenant id (as found above)>
Workspace ID: <workspace id>
Security Contact: <your email, or the email of the person responsible for the secure storage of the Client Credentials>
Atlassian Jira URL: <>

More information via TeamForm Public API




IP Based Restrictions:

If your TeamForm tenant is configured with IP based restrictions you will also need to request the TeamForm Support so Atlassian IPs can be added to our whitelist (also via the contact us option).

A current list of Atlassian IPs can be found under the Outgoing Connections section on this page

Installation and Setup


This step process can only be completed by your Jira Admin.

  1. Install the TeamForm for Jira Marketplace App into your Jira Cloud instance.
    A link to the Marketplace App is here:

  2. Within Jira, navigate to the Admin Page for the Marketplace App:


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  1. On the Admin Page, fill in your TeamForm Public API details including:

    1. Tenant ID (located via the help ? icon on the bottom left menu of TeamForm)

    2. Workspace ID (if left blank, the plugin plug-in will use TeamForm’s default Workspace)

    3. Client ID and Client Secret (refer below for TeamForm API steps)

    4. Optional: If you use a Custom TeamForm URL to connect to TeamForm, you can enter it on this page.

    5. Click Change with each of the new setup details.


Copy the information below into your request.

🎉 Congratulations ! - You can now start to link TeamForm Teams to Jira Projects!



  • If you have setup the TeamForm Public API - you will have this information already

  • If you have not setup the TeamForm Public API before - contact TeamForm using the contact us option at the bottom of the page.
    titleaction required
    Code Block
    TeamForm for Jira App Setup request:
    - please provide: Client Credentials (ID and Secret)
    Access Level: <production, staging, test etc>
    Tenant ID: <tenant id (as found above)>
    Workspace ID: <workspace id>
    Security Contact: <your email, or the email of the person responsible for the secure storage of the Client Credentials>
    Atlassian Jira URL: <>

    How-to Use

    Project Linking


    1. Click on TeamForm on the left-hand sidebar

      • Note: on smaller screens, you might need to scroll down

      • This will show the Project-level settings for the App.

    2. To assign a Team, click the select box at the bottom of the panel.

    3. Click on one of the Teams to link it to this Jira Project.

    4. To search for other Teams in TeamForm, type the name, or part of a name into the select box. The App will query TeamForm, and show potential Teams relevant to your search term.

      • e.g. typing: ‘customer', which should return 'Customer Success’ as the top result.

    5. Once a team is linked, Jira issues will be synchronised to TeamForm however frequently the integration is configured for - every 15 minutes by default.


    🎉 Congratulations - you You have created a link between your project and a TeamForm Team.

    The Team will appear in a side panel for any issue owned by this Team.

    You can now jump straight to the Team in TeamForm, by clicking its name.

    Issue Linking


    This feature is still in Beta and is still being tested. It may not always behave as expected until final release.

    1. Head to an Issue on any Jira board on the current Instance:

    2. Click on ‘TeamForm Team’ on the right-hand side.

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    1. A panel will open, showing that this issue is currently ‘Unassigned’ to a TeamForm Team.


    1. To assign a Team, click the select box at the bottom of the panel.

      • Click on one of the Teams to link it to this Issue:

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    1. To search for other Teams in TeamForm, type the name, or part of a name into the select box. The Marketplace App will query TeamForm, and show potential Teams relevant to your search term.

    2. Try typing: ‘customer', which should return 'Customer Success’ as the top result.


    Image Added

    1. To remove the link between a team and an issue, click the

      button to the right of the listed teams.


    🎉 Congratulations - You have made a link between your project and a TeamForm Team.

    The Team will appear in


    a side panel for any issue owned by this Team.

    You can now jump straight to the Team in TeamForm, by clicking its name.

    Mapping Issue Types to Team Types


    This process can only be completed by a your Jira Admin.

    For example, in your company , Epics might be completed by your organization's Departments.

    By mapping Jira Epics to TeamForm Departments, only Departments will be selectable in the TeamForm for Jira Marketplace App, and TeamForm can be configured to import all Epics as Objectives to their TeamForm Department on a schedule.


    Linking & Importing

    There are two 'levels' types of linking supported by the plugin.:

    1. Project linking: When you link a Project to a Team, and say that all linked Projects should be imported, any child Issues under those linked projects are also imported.

      1. They will appear as Objectives of the linked TeamForm TeamForm on a Teams page

      2. They are only imported if their Issue Type has been Included (see below)

    2. Direct linking: When you link an Issue to a Team, only that Issue is imported as an Objective. No Child Issues are imported.

      1. They are only imported if their Issue Type has been Included (see below)


    Setting up Jira Issue Types to Show in TeamForm


    This process can only be completed by your Jira Admin.


    We recommend only importing a subset of Issue types into TeamForm, so that only meaningful work items are visible in TeamForm, rather than work items of varying size and granularity
    e.g. showing a Jira Adminbug that is open for day or two is not helpful to show in TeamForm, however a strategic Epic that other teams are contributing is essential to creating transparency.


    This section details how to include or exclude Jira issue types.

    1. On the Admin Page of the TeamForm for Jira App, click the Reveal button to show a secret URL and Key (note: These are the credentials to be put into the Integration form).

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    1. Select which Issue Types you would like to include in the Import, by using the Included column.

      • Click Excluded on the Issue Type you wish to import, to toggle it to Included.





    Even though an Issue Type is selected, only some of the Issues with that Issue Type will be imported: e.g only those whose Project is linked to a TeamForm Team, as described above.

    Setting up Jira Integration from TeamForm

    1. Log into your TeamForm instance, and navigate to


    1. Settings > Data Integrations.

    2. Click Create on New Integration

    3. Select Connect next to Atlassian Jira

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    1. Click Create datasource



    1. Paste the Key and URL revealed earlier into the relevant fields


    1. Click


    1. Update

    2. Optional: Configure a schedule for the Integration. This determines how often the data in Jira is automatically imported into TeamForm. For example, to import every 2 hours, use the frequency of 7200 seconds.

    The Datasource can now reach out to the Jira pluginconnect with the TeamForm for Jira App, and import any Issue of a Type that has been mapped to a Team Type in TeamForm.


    Note: the import process will not find any Issues to import, unless those Issue Types have been mapped to a Team Type in TeamForm.


    The import process will import all Issues of mapped Types into TeamForm. This includes Issues in the past.

    Be sure this is what you want before creating a mapping from an Issue Type to a Team Type.

    In particular, it is not recommended to map Jira Tasks, Bugs, Stories as they are not a helpful granularity of work to display in TeamForm.


    Excellent! You have now configured TeamForm to import Projects and Issues from Jira, using the Atlassian TeamForm Integration.

    Other Configuration settings for the TeamForm for Jira




    Customised Message (admin page)

    This section of the Admin Page is used to customise the appearance of the App for projects not yet linked to teams.


    1. Enter your custom message into the text box. You could use the following, as an example:


      • Please

      • go

      • to

      • this

      • <a

      • href=''

      • target='_blank'>link</a>

      • if

      • you

      • need

      • TeamForm

      • access.


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    1. Click Save default text.


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    Permissions (


    admin page)

    You can This section of the admin page is to restrict who is able to link TeamForm Teams to projects in Jira:


    Grouping by Custom Field

    Some organisations use a Custom Field to define a higher level strategy or work item that Jira issues contribute to, or are grouped under. These might be called Strategic Goals, Themes or Objectives (or any other term used to define higher level work). You can configure the TeamForm for Jira app to recognise custom fields so that links between these and Jira issues are visible in TeamForm.

    1. You can learn how to create a Custom Field here:

      1. Only Single Select and Multi Select drop-down Field Types are supported.

    2. Once you have set up your Custom Field, go to the Jira Admin page, and head to the Custom Fields section.

    3. Click Expand.

    4. Select, or type to search, from the drop-down list as many Custom Fields you wish to use - most people just use one.

    5. Click Submit - you should receive a message saying your changes have been submitted.


    That’s it! Now, the plugin will import each assigned value of this Custom Field, when it imports Issues across to TeamForm. The value will then be used to group all Issues under that value.


    Linking the Theme Custom Field to a high level objective shown in TeamForm:


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    Custom field: TeamFormSelect


    This custom field allows users to embed a teamform connected select within Jira.


    Why would you use this? Maybe you want to associate a team as a dependency. Or perhaps design a workflow that references teams.

    This field allows you to have a field that displays and allows association of TeamForm teams with the customisation of naming, which team types are shown and whether to allow association with just one or multiple teams.


    Configuration Options

    Select team types to filter by - This select is connected to the 'GroupTypes' configuration object and allows an admin to configure what teams the Custom Field can query/search against. It is a multi-select, allowing the admin to show multiple team types in the results.

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    Allow user to select multiple teams - This checkbox determines whether the CustomField allows multiple values, or only a single value.

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    JQL and TeamformSelect

    There are two ways of querying a CustomField.

    Option 1: "My Custom Field" {{operator}} {{value}}

    IS - This operator is only usable with EMPTY or NULL checking for an empty value and will not trigger the autosuggest.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    IS NOT - This operator is only usable with EMPTY or NULL checking for an empty value and will not trigger the autosuggest.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    CONTAINS (~) - The "~" operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field matches the specified value (either an exact match or a "fuzzy" match — see examples in Jira documentation).
    See more at Jira documentation.


    CONTAINS (~) - The "!~" operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field is not a "fuzzy" match for the specified value.
    See more at Jira documentation.


    Option 2: "My Custom Field.Name" {{operator}} {{value}}


    IS - This operator is only usable with EMPTY or NULL checking for an empty value and will not trigger the autosuggest.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    IS NOT - This operator is only usable with EMPTY or NULL checking for an empty value and will not trigger the autosuggest.
    See more at Jira documentation.


    IN - This operator searches for issues where the value of the specified field is one of multiple specified values. The values are specified as a comma-delimited list, surrounded by parentheses.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    NOT IN - This operator searches for issues where the value of the specified field is not one of multiple specified values. The values are specified as a comma-delimited list, surrounded by parentheses.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    = - This operator searches for issues where the value of the specified field matches exactly the specified value.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    != - This operator searches for issues where the value of the specified field does not match the specified value.
    See more at Jira documentation.

    Related information

    Filter by label (Content by label)
    labelsteam team-details types
    cqllabel in ( "system-admin" , "marketplace" ) and type = "page" and space = "OS"
