A submitted request is one where when a demand team user has entered a full time equivalent amount and then subsequently the request was processed so that it now visible to the supply team. Prior to being processed the request was in the saved status where it was not visible to the supply teammakes a request from a supply team, the request is initially in a saved state.
In a saved state, the supply team cannot see or approve the request.
Requests remain in a saved state so that they can be reviewed at a holistic level by demand teams.
Once ready, saved requests transition to submitted requests by using the submit all requests function.
This will transition all saved requests for the current demand team and all child demand teams to the submitted status. In this status the requests will be visible to supply teams.
A submitted approval is one where when a supply team user has entered a full time equivalent amount and then subsequently the approval was processed so that it now visible to the demand team.
Prior to being processed, the approval was in the saved status where it was not visible to the demand team.