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Default principle sets can be defined per team type via Settings / Org Structure type config. Select a team type, then choose a preferred principle set for that team type.


JSON parameters for Principles:

Member Count

parameter maxMembers(optional), minMembers(optional)

title Should consist of no more than ${maxMembers} direct members.


Note that the default principle set is applied to teams that are updated after the default is set. All existing teams will not be automatically updated when the default is changed.

One way to ensure all teams are updated is to import teams with the principle set ID updated. For example, the Teams CSV import can be used to assign a principle set ID to each team in the system.


JSON parameters for Principles:

Member Count

parameter maxMembers(optional), minMembers(optional)

title Should consist of no more than ${maxMembers} direct members.

Should consist of at least ${minMembers} direct members.


See Role Tag Parameters for details on the roleTagType and roleTagAttribute parameters.


parameter maxTeamsPerMember, teamType ownershipRoleDisplayName, limit, ownershipRole, roleTagType

title Should have 1 ${ownershipRoleDisplayName}.


Note: Ownership Role references Job Title (jobTitle) and the SPECIALIST Tag type Tag Type specified by the roleTagType field (tagType) for a person. If noroleTagType field is provided, the Tag Type defaults to SPECIALIST . If either match, it will be seen as meeting the principle. (uses Regex - more examples below)

Code Block
        "type": "OWNERSHIP",
        "args": {
            "ownershipRoleDisplayName": "Product Owner",
            "limit": 1,
            "ownershipRole": "(.*product.*owner)"
            "roleTagType": "TAG_TYPE_ID"


parameter maxLocations


Code Block
        "type": "FIELD_MATCH",
        "args": {
          "field": "country",
          "min": 8,
          "max": 10, 10,
          "metric": "count"

In the above, if there are any values for the country field where less than 8 or more than 10 people have a matching value the principle evaluation fails.

Also supports signal overrides.

See Role Tag Parameters for details on the roleTagType and roleTagAttribute parameters.

Demand Allocation Ratio

parameter minAllocationRatio,maxAllocationRatio,includedTags,excludedTags,fteThreshold,includeVacancies,useFteRatio

title <%- actualAllocationRatio %>%</strong> members are allocated to demand structure.

Code Block
            "metric"type: "countDEMAND_ALLOCATION_RATIO",
        }    args: {

In the above, if there are any values for the country field where less than 8 or more than 10 people have a matching value the principle evaluation fails.

Also supports signal overrides.

See Role Tag Parameters for details on the roleTagType and roleTagAttribute parameters.

Demand Allocation Ratio

parameter minAllocationRatio,maxAllocationRatio,includedTags,excludedTags,fteThreshold,includeVacancies,useFteRatio

title <%- actualAllocationRatio %>%</strong> members are allocated to demand structure.

Code Block
{           fteThreshold: 0,
              includeVacancies: false,
              typeincludedTags: "DEMAND_ALLOCATION_RATIO",[],
              argsexcludedTags: {
              fteThreshold  NON_PACE_ALLOCATION: 0[],
              includeVacancies  RESOURCEAVAILABILITY: false[],
                includedTagsNON_PACE_ALLOCATION_DEFAULT: [],
{                 NON_PACE_ALLOCATIONincludedTeamTypes: [],
                RESOURCEAVAILABILITYexcludedTeamTypes: [],
                 NON_PACE_ALLOCATION_DEFAULT: []"Working With Agile"
              maxAllocationRatio: 100,
              minAllocationRatio: 90
