This guide assumes you have the appropriate level of permissions to add users to your Identity Provider (IdP) permission groups.

Testing Prerequisites

To complete the tests you will need to identify 3 users in your IdP. These can be new users or existing users.

Each of the 3 users should be assigned to one of the following roles (or user authorisation groups):

At this point, you should have been provided with your TeamForm ‘Vanity’ URLs, in the following format, where customer_prefix is unique to your company:

  1. Directory URL: directory-<customer>

  2. App URL: <customer>

The <customer> value is available in the configuration guide.

Testing Procedure

To make sure each test runs independently, please run each test in a new browser session to ensure no interference between tests. Incognito mode (for Chrome) or private mode (for Edge) are recommended.

Test 1 - Access to Team Directory

Test 1.1 Test access from TeamForm_sso_everyone_group

Test 1.2 Test access from TeamForm_sso_leader_group

Test 1.3 Test access from TeamForm_sso_admin_group

Go to the Directory URL (above) and test with each of the user accounts listed above. The SSO login page should appear and after logging in, the user should be redirected to Team Directory.

Test 2 - Access to TeamForm

Test 2.1 Test access from TeamForm_sso_admin_group

Go to the App URL (above) and test with a user from the TeamForm_sso_admin_group. The SSO login page should appear and after logging in, the user should have access and see TeamForm’s home page:

The user should be able to see admin functions on the right-hand side menu, as follows:

The user should also be able to access Settings, Data Integrations, Team Directory and Reports. Please note the access from Team Directory and Reports are visible in the same session, so it is not necessary to log in again. The Reportspage is as follows:

Test 2.2 Test access from TeamForm_sso_leader_group

Go to the App URL and test with a user from the TeamForm_sso_leader_group. The SSO login page should appear and after logging in, the user should have access and see TeamForm’s home page:

The user should not see any admin options in the top left corner, as follows:

The user should also be able to access Team Directory and Reports via the links above.

Test 2.3 Test access from TeamForm_sso_everyone_group

Go to the App URL and test with a user from the TeamForm_sso_everyone_group. The SSO login page should appear and after logging in, the user should see an access denied message as follows:

Good news, if all the tests passed, SSO will now be working!

For any other queries or issues, please raise a help request.

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