The intention is to move from the question at the start of the phase to the position at the end of the phase:
Do we have a problem? → We think this problem is worth resolving
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Forming a Problem Statement
Customers often have an initial hypothesis about the pain points that team-centric workforce planning may be an answer for. Alternatively, TeamForm consultants and partners can identify and elevate the pain points they observe.
The typical challenges are around transparency of workforce decisions, ensuring that teams are setup with the roles and capabilities they need to successfully deliver their work, and funding of the team workforces.
A clear, pressing, and agreed workforce planning problem statement enables us to rally enthusiasm and resources to address the problem.
The problem statement should include:
what the perceived pain points are
how investing in workforce planning would address these pain points
why these pain points should be addressed now; they should be the next major impediment to improvement
who the core stakeholders are
The outcome of defining the problem statement is the approval to proceed with running TeamForm’s approach to Workforce Planning with the customer.
Workforce planning Challenges and Pain Points
Key questions | Challenges / blockers | Impacts | TeamForm | |
Organisation wide |
Delivery Teams e.g. team s, teams of teams |
Supporting functions e.g. HR, Finance |