The intention is to move from the question at the start of the phase to the position at the end of the phase:
Can we fix it? → We have an approach for a feasible solution
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Scoping and Planning
Clarify what’s in and out of scope for workforce planning with emphasis on the pilot.
It is expected that discovery will take 4 weeks +/- 2 weeks.
Run a scoping workshop with the customer team to answer the following points:
Confirm the key stakeholders across the business.
What level of involvement/governance do we need?
Consider: tool owner, change owner, finance stakeholder involved
Confirm who owns the process from the customer side.
Who is driving?
What are the “project” roles and who will fill them?
What roles do TeamForm need to fulfill? For example, broadly picking from these options:
Minimal to none (we provide this information and customer runs with it)
Advisory (TeamForm advises but does not do any of the work)
Supporting (TeamForm responsible for tool side configuration changes, data loading, and reporting)
Active (TeamForm responsible for business process delivery and tooling)
Confirm which parts of the org are involved for a pilot run.
Demand Teams
Supply Areas
If there is no clean boundary, how will entangled areas be dealt with.
Create a draft work breakdown plan and timeline:
Proposed work plan (including comms)
Planning cycle (cadence)
Proposed calendar (tentative dates)
Run a demo event to showcase the proposed end to end workforce planning process supported by TeamForm
This demo showcase is a 1-2 hour event; we expect that most but not all config will be in place
Outcomes and Resources
Desired outcomes
Clarity on success criteria
Clear roles and responsibilities from the customer and TeamForm
An agreed scope
Draft work plan
Draft timeline