Workforce Planning - Approach

Workforce Planning - Approach



This guide defines an approach to execute team centric workforce planning
For an introduction to workforce planning, please see Team-Centric Workforce Planning

Irrespective of what workforce planning maturity phase your organisation may be in, the following approach is designed to be a repeating process that you can leverage to run a full planning cycle.


The e2e repeatable workforce planning process

Key principles underpinning the approach of workforce planning

It is an iterative process that should be reviewed and iterated over time

It is okay to stay in the same maturity phase for a period of time before progressing to the next phase in order to ensure the right planning outcomes are achieved before adding complexity

It is not a big bang or a linear approach that get’s completed once and once only

You do not need to involve the whole organisation from the start

You do not need to introduce or embed different tools to be used from the start in order to start a planning process

Step by step execution guide


Foundational Preparation

Define the components required to establish a successful end to end workforce planning process.

Clarify what’s in and out of scope for the first workforce planning cycle.

Suggested time frame: At least a quarter ahead

Desired outcomes:

  • A defined process, scope and timeline

  • A scoped work plan with clear roles and responsibilities

  • Stakeholders identified

  • Required tools identified and TeamForm key design decisions reviewed and executed


  • Build shared understanding of Workforce Planning by reviewing:

    • What the workforce planning objectives and outcomes are

    • What the cycle looks like, who’s involved, and suggested time frames

    • Personas of users involved in the process

    • What key design decisions need to be considered and baked into the work plan

    • Tooling partnerships required to support the process

    • Stakeholders involved

  • Based on that scope, as a team, create:

    • Planning cycle

    • Proposed calendar

    • Proposed work plan, including proposed cadence (sprint planning, stand-ups, showcase/review with driver/owner, show case to people involved)


Agreement & Sign Off

Are stakeholders clear on the road ahead and what’s expected from them and/or their team during the workforce planning cycle?

Suggested time frame: 2 months before workforce planning launch


  • Run a workshop with stakeholders to validate the plan that you have come up with leveraging the template completed in step 1 the following questions:

    • Which parts of the org are involved?

    • What are the business unit boundaries?

    • Who’s owning the process from the participating teams? Who’s driving?

    • Who are the key stakeholders across the business? What level of involvement/governance do we need?

      • Consider: tool owner, change owner, finance stakeholder involved


Tooling Preparation

Is TeamForm effectively configured for the upcoming workforce planning cycle based on the agreed scope?

Are the other identified supporting tools effectively configured for the workforce planning cycle?

Suggested time frame: 2 months before workforce planning launch


Note the steps below are TeamForm specific but should be repeated for each tool identified to take a part in your workforce planning process

  • Configure TeamForm as per the design decision table - depending on the maturity phase you are in, this will encompass different activities such as execution of baseline date, refresh reports, tags, etc

  • All users have access to TeamForm

  • People allocation data accuracy has been verified by users

  • Planning periods are accurately displayed in TeamForm

  • Complete internal testing on configurations and flow



Are we certain that our work plan has been tested enough by users to ensure it is robust for roll out?

Suggested time frame: 1 months before workforce planning launch


  • Select 3-4 friendlies and/or limited area of the business to do an end-to-end run through of the planning cycle, remember to include all personas identified in the work plan

    • Find innovators/change champions/coalition of the willing

    • Find people who are unclear and/or fearful

  • Complete stakeholder socialising:

    • Run regular sessions to communicate with stakeholders what’s happening and how the process is changing

  • Provide identified users access to all the tools they are required to use

  • Provide training on the process and how to use the tool together

  • Conduct a specific testing/simulation run phase to observe how the process is working for each of the personas and whether the intended tools are working as per scope

  • Review all the feedback and observation notes then run workshop(s) to iron out any final kinks within the team or with the tooling partners


Change and comms

Are users clear on the road ahead and what’s expected from them during the workforce planning cycle?

Have users been trained of how to use all the tools required throughout the planning process?

Suggested time frame: 3-4 weeks before workforce planning launch


  • Stakeholder socialising:

    • Run weekly or monthly sessions to communicate with stakeholders what’s happening in the quarter ahead and how the process is changing

    • Find people who’ve been left behind or might cause issues down the road

    • You also want to find innovators/change champions/coalition of the willing

  • Communications to users:

    • Communicate to users by persona via live sessions and emails

  • Training

    • Training on the process and how to use the tool together

    • Setting up many sessions to cover all users


Launch of planning cycle

Did all the planned workforce planning cycle activities completed as per expectation?

Suggested time frame: 2-4 weeks, depending on agreed upon timeline


  • Run all the activities as outlined and approved in the Workforce Planning Work Plan Template

  • Visit your established feedback channels regularly to address any immediate concerns and/or called out risks


7. Retro

Did the workforce planning cycle complete in a way that provides learnings for the next cycle?

Suggested time frame: 1 week post completion of workforce planning activities


  • Review existing guidance / documentation, look for opportunities to streamline and improve the guidance and how the process works.

  • Publish the updated guidance, communicate the improvements and hold syndication / feedback sessions


Based on the level of workforce planning maturity your organisation is at, there are different TeamForm configuration related design decisions to consider to help advance your planning process to ensure that you get the right capabilities allocated to the right strategic priorities at the right time.

Use the table below in conjunction with the table above to understand the implications of each design decision and the available supporting materials to help you

Key Design Decisions


Help Guides

When to consider decisions

Walk 🚶

Run 🏃

Fly 🚀

Do you have an existing workforce planning process?

At what frequency do you plan?

What are the key dates associated with the planning process/QBR?

How do you expect TeamForm to align to and support the process and cadenced panning?

This will determine the number of planning projects that are required to be set up before we kick off a planning cycle so that data can be stored accordingly for planning and forecast.

By embedding or aligning expected activities that need to happen with existing workforce planning processes will streamline the process and data flow but more importantly help users adhere to what they need to do in order for planning to execute successfully.

If we run TeamForm as a separate tool and process it will increase the change effort and increase the risk of confusing users with the multiple planning cadences that they have to follow.


What is the aim of your workforce planning process? eg: To get clear of work objectives or to resource plan?

Getting clear on the process will help determine what tools are required, for what purpose and by when in the planning cycle. This will help users understand what their roles and responsibilities are throughout the cycle and in what tool they have to complete the activities.


At what point should we set your baseline date?

Without a baseline it makes it near impossible for leaders to draw a line in the sand for a point in time comparison of what gaps they have in their team based on the planned work and what they currently have.

Aligning the baseline date as closely as possible to the start of your planning cycle will ensure the data resonates and is the most relevant for leaders to compare and decide what changes they need to make during the planning cycle.

This date is a must in order for us to do any data comparison to know how teams have shifted over time and the reasonings behind the change.

Which demand team types will take part in your planning process?

Restrictions can be put on specific team types such as squads from being able to submit demand requests.

This will help determine the change effort required to roll out the planning cycle process and the tooling instructions accompanying it. In TeamForm we can also put notifications in place to signal the in-scope population.

N/A - Engage a TeamForm Consultant to help you with this

Which supply team types will take part in your planning process?

At what level do you allow demand requests to be raised against supply teams? eg: at teams level, teams of teams level, teams of team of teams level, etc

Restrictions can be applied to certain supply teams from being able to review and submit approved demand requests if they are not in-scope for the workforce planning process.

This drives where work demands can be raised against. eg: We may want to show Chapter Area as part of the org tree during Planning but we do not want teams to be able to raise demand requests against it.

Org structure config

How should do the supply team hierarchy look like in Planner?

This determines the visualisation of which team type and respective children hierarchy will appear in TeamForm Planner. The more levels you have involved in Planning, the harder it becomes for demand users to easily navigate and find the right team to raise demand requests against.

Do you have any pre-existing business logic to handling future dating employees' team allocations?

While TeamForm allow supply leaders to future allocate employees into teams, the business process of how this work needs to be rolled out along with the tooling functionality as it could have impacts on other existing business processes such as chargeback models and alignment to ways of working practices as you are effectively allowing people to shift in and out of teams rather than creating ‘persistent’ teams.

N/A - Engage a TeamForm Consultant to help you with this


Do you wish to mandate demand requestors to input specific information such as skills and/or other tag information when raising a request?

The more information that can be provided up front to the supply leader about the demand request the less back and forth will be required between the two leaders and hence the quicker decisions can be made to the fulfil the demand request, allowing faster delivery kickoff.

At what level of the work taxonomy do you allow teams to complete their linkage?

Restrictions can be put on specific team types such as squads from being able to link to specific work taxonomy object such as OKRs if the connection is too high level/abstract.

This ensures the right traceability of how teams contribute to the overall enterprise strategy can be done and trusted as teams understand with the right level of details provided to them in making the decision.

This linkage will impact leaders from understanding whether the right teams have been allocated to the right team and whether the right priorities are being worked on by teams.

N/A - Engage a TeamForm Consultant to help you with this

Do you want to send automated notifications to your team during the planning cycle?

Automated notifications and/or dedicated email distribution lists can be provided to you so that you can easily send customised notifications specific group of users. Examples of this may be reminding them to update allocation so that workforce insights can be extrapolated or to review demand requests so that any contentious resource constraints can be discussed and resolved at a Dependency Marketplace.

This requires the specific notification content to be provided to TeamForm and the updated business logic to who should receive the notification, how and when.

Note: You will need to engage in a TeamForm Consultant for further help in setting up and triggering automated notifications


What workforce insights are you after?

Based on the workforce insights you are after, does it require additional data points outside of TeamForm to build the view that you are after? you have a reporting team within your organisation to support the build of the report o

TeamForm’s reporting capability can only extract the data that is available within TeamForm. It is not a BI reporting tool that can pull data from other systems such as Oracle and ServiceNow to do complex integrated reporting.

This design decision will help determine whether it is better to pull our data from an API into your preferred BI tool to give you the insights you are after or whether it is something that can be done in Redash.

Do you have financial targets on demand teams, supply teams or both?

Do you want to display the budget as constraints in TeamForm?

Prerequisite of having budget constraints displayed is that a supply blended rate card need to have been pre-loaded into TeamForm. Without the rate card there is limited use to showing the team budget without showing how much the team is costing.

When budget and rate cards are both applied, as teams are planning their team composition based on the work that they need to deliver, it makes it a lot easier for them to know whether the composition created is within budget. If not, escalations can be raised early on.


Do you want to understand the high level cost estimate of each team?

Pre-requisite to this design decision is whether you have an enterprise blended rate card against your supply team. If you do not have one then costing cannot be done in TeamForm as individual level actuals costing cannot be done within the platform due to privacy reasons.

The high level cost should be served as an indication to leaders whether they are over or under their budget so that unnecessary assessment of demand requests can be avoided early on.


Do you want to limit users from being able to view, action requests and approvals requests on their own teams only?

While restricting certain people to have views of their own team, this limits transparency and collaboration between leaders to drive effective conversations.

Instead we recommend the ‘trust but verify’ model in using the History functionality in TeamForm to trace who has performed what actions within teams if data looks inaccurate rather than introducing viewing and actioning restrictions as it will introduce more admin effort to maintain the access list and for someone to jump in and help if for example is going on leave.

@Martin Foster - Do we have a pre-existing guide on limiting people to view their own team data?


For supply leaders do you anticipate that they will be required by traditional teams / teams that have yet transformed into the new ways of working practices?

If so, how do you want them to engage the supply leaders to raise demand requests?

If there are traditional teams that have yet gone through transformation or made into ‘cross functional’ teams but need to take part in planning, we need to set them up in TeamForm as supply teams even if it is a holding structure so that demand requests can be made against them.

You also have the option to design a different demand request business process for these teams that users have to follow which does not involve TeamForm. However this increases difficulty and effort required to pull together a holistic view of all workforce demands and assess them against supply gaps. In addition, change effort will increase with having to teach 2 separate processes to users.


Do you want to force set a time period of when requests can be made and when approvals can happen?

TeamForm has the ability to restrict when demand requests can be entered, submitted, reviewed and approved. By putting in timed gates, it ensures all demand leaders are given enough time to review and adjust their team compositions based on the outcome of their strategic planning then allowing supply leaders to review all requests holistically to ensure the right skillsets are allocated to the right work priorities. Without this timed gates of when things can be done, it stops supply leads from having the holistic view of incoming demands to make the right priority calls as requests are coming in consistently.



How are vacancies managed as part of the planning process?

TeamForm has the ability for users to create placeholder roles to represent vacancies in Planner. However the end to end business process needs to be thought through of how this data will then get merged with the official HR recruitment tool as more often than not companies will have to go through proper costing approval flows before the vacancy is created in the HR system. The actual approval of these vacant roles by specific individuals are not supported in TeamForm as this functionality exists in HR systems.

Do you want leaders to commence forecasting their capability needs beyond current quarter?

If so, how far beyond the current quarter would you like leaders to forecast to?

This determines how many planning projects will be required to be established upfront so that future forecasting values can be saved and pulled into Planner as it becomes the current planning period. There is no limit to how many planning projects you set nor is there a limit to the frequency of these planning periods.



Are there any targets and/or constraints that you would like to display as leaders Forecast?

Similar to Planner, budgets can be loaded in Forecast and both shares the same prerequisite of needing a supply blended rate card to be pre-loaded into TeamForm. Without the rate card there is limited use to showing the team budget without showing how much the team is costing.

When budget and rate cards are both applied, as teams are planning their team composition it makes it a lot easier for them to know whether the composition created is within budget. If not, escalations can be raised early on.

@Martin Foster - does loading budget constraints in Forecast follows the same set of instructions as planner?


Would you like to know how confident leaders are against their forecasted numbers?

Giving an early indication of how confident leaders are against their forecasted numbers allow Talent Acquisition and other teams that have a need for this data to better plan and be able to plan earlier on how they can support the business in achieving the forecasted workforce plan.

However, it can serve as a distraction if people misunderstand this confidence rating as a committed value rather than an indicative value.



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