How to create or manage Announcements

How to create or manage Announcements

Do you know the difference between Tenant Announcement and announcements?


Go to the top left hand corner of the web page and under the TeamForm header, click on the down arrow




From the drop down list, Click on the name of the workspace that you would like to grant user access to


Click on the settings icon from the vertical left hand side bar menu

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 07.44.06.png



Click on “Workspace announcements”


Complete this step if you want the Tenant Announcement to only appear in TeamForm app.

  • Under ‘Announcement’, enter in the short message you would like to appear in the banner

  • Select the color you would like the banner to be under ‘Announcement Colour’

  • In ‘Visual treatment’ select where you want the banner to be displayed

  • Click on the button next to ‘Active’ and make sure it turns green



Complete this step if you want the same Tenant Announcement to appear in Directory, copy and paste all the content and follow the steps as highlighted in Steps 5 under the ‘Team Directory Announcement’ section.



Complete this step if you want the Tenant Announcement to appear in Directory.

  • Under ‘Announcement’, enter in the short message you would like to appear in the banner

  • Select the color you would like the banner to be under ‘Announcement Colour’

  • In ‘Visual treatment’ select where you want the banner to be displayed

  • Click on the button next to ‘Active’ and make sure it turns green


You can only ever have 1 banner at a time displayed in TeamForm app, Directory or both!



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