FAQs about Allocations with Dates

FAQs about Allocations with Dates

Using allocations with Dates

Do I have to specify a date each time I change allocation?

A allocation will by default be created with a start date defaults to today’s date, the end date defaults to “ongoing”, and FTE defaults to what’s available for the person. You do not need to enter end dates when adding an individual to a team.

An ongoing allocation (it does not have an end date)

How far in the future can allocations be dated?

A allocation with an empty end date represents an ongoing allocation.

Users may schedule people into a team many years into the future if they wish.

To what granularity can I schedule down to? Months, Weeks, Days, Hours?


Can the same person be in the same team multiple times, spanning the same time period?

No, a person can only be a member of a team once at the same time.

Do I need to enter an end date?

Allocating a person to a team is still a simple process - the start date defaults to today’s date, and the end date defaults to ongoing, and FTE defaults to what’s available for the person. You do not need to enter end dates when allocating an individual to a team. Leaving an end date empty represents an ongoing allocation where the end date is unknown.

How does allocations with dates work with other TeamForm functionality?

There is no change to Planner and Forecast functionalities in TeamForm.

Leaders can use the ability to specify dates on individuals changes to their team allocations at the end of the planning process.

For example, planning decisions could be finalised on the 26th of September for the October-December period. At this point leaders can forward schedule any allocation changes required on 1 October.

The only planning component affected by allocations is the Baseline.

How does allocations with dates work with TeamForm’s Planner ‘baseline’ calculation?

The baseline calculation in Planner remains based on a census approach - that is calculating the total FTE of people who are members of a team from each different supply team at a particular date. This is now enhanced to take into considersion the dates on individuals allocations. If an individual is set to join a team on a date after the baseline date, they will not be included in the baseline calculation.

If allocations are edited after the baseline calculation has been made, these edits will not be propagated into the baseline FTE values in Planner.

If an individual has a allocation that starts part way through a Planner planning window, does this impact any values in Planner?

No. As the individual is not a member of the team on the baseline date, Planner does not take the individual into consideration. Both Planner & Forecast are based on the premise of a census date of who was in what team at the start of the planning process. They do not take into account individuals joining or leaving teams after this census. Furthermore, that FTE gap between allocations with dates (people) and numbers in Planner/Forecast (volumes) becomes an insight.

For example, if a quarterly planning process has a census date of the 10th of September for the October-December period, and we have

  • Alice from Visual Designers, in Team A on the 10th of September for 1 FTE. She is scheduled to leave Team A and join Team B on the 7th of October, also for 1 FTE.

Planner will represent Alice’s 1 FTE in Team A only. Planner will not take into account the change scheduled to occur on the 7th of October.

This is because at a Planner process level, there was 1 FTE of Visual Designers at the baseline date in Team A. Planer will reflect that baseline and allow leaders to determine if Team A requires resources from Visual Designers, regardless of the named resource. This can highlight the need for a backfill for Alice or a readjustment of the type of resourcing for Team A.

How does allocations with dates work with Org Change Use Cases?

The organisational change and restructure use cases are not affected. This use-case changes the line management structure, which is kept in a HRIS system and not TeamForm.

This process typically ends with the finalised line management changes being imported to the upstream HRIS at their effective date; TeamForm scheduled allocation changes are not used.

How does allocations with dates operate when performing a bulk move? Does it set end and leave dates on all of the individuals being moved? Can I choose different dates for each individual?

Bulk move sets the end date of today on the existing allocations, before creating new ongoing allocations starting on the same date in the new team. It is not possible to set custom dates when performing a bulk move.


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