Workforce Planning - Configuration

Workforce Planning - Configuration



Persona-based journeys through TeamForm features and the options for usage with links to config to set things up according to the option selected.


Summary article

What features enable Workforce Planning?

TeamForm Feature

How it helps

Reference Guides

TeamForm Feature

How it helps

Reference Guides



  • “Move to” and “Added” tags - To indicate who and where the baseline snapshot was taken (for both person and team)

  • Role & skill tags - Shows who has what roles and/or skills so that it becomes easier for supply leads to assess who is best situated with the right skill sets to be allocated out against the various demand requests

  • Leaver tags - Display who’s on what type of leave and their start and end date


Placeholder Roles and Requisitions

  • Placeholder roles can be enabled in Planner so that users can see the cost impact and changes to the team structure if they are wanting to hire or add an additional person to the team

  • Requisitions can be brought into Planner and be included in the baseline so that demand and supply leads can have the latest information on what has already been pre-agreed



  • Budgets can be loaded against supply teams based on the budget/target they give to each of the demand teams

  • Rate Cards - Daily rate cards against capability teams can be applied to provide a high level view of how much a particular request and/or team structure costs

  • Importing Rate card and budget can be used to allow drag and drop of data files to update rates and/or budgets


Planner and Forecast Config

  • Planner search bar configurations - gives flexibility to control whether users can search how the Planner looks between baseline vs future members

  • Requirement box - a configurable box that can specify to demand leaders the specific type of request information they need to provide when submitting the demand request



  • A centralised place for demand leaders to raise FTE demand requests and supply leaders to review and approve FTE requests



  • A centralised place for demand leaders to provide an indication of how long they believe they will need the resources for so that supply leaders can gain insights to their people demand and hence proactively plan on how to bridge potential supply and demand gaps


Team Builder

  • A centralised place for supply leaders to review and allocated named individuals against approved FTEs within different demand teams



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